Sentence Replacement – Old Pattern - PrepUp 247

For the Game Called ....Success

Friday 19 January 2018

Sentence Replacement – Old Pattern

D.1-5): In each of the following questions a short passage followed by five sentences is given. One of the sentences relevant to the passage is marked by a blank space. Select the best out of the five answer choices given Viz.(a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) to make the passage complete and coherent (coherent means logically complete and sound).
Q.1) Today, climate engineering efforts are viewed either as secondary measures to be undertaken alongside reducing emissions or as technologies which have not matured enough to warrant discussion by world leaders. ________________. Even if all the national commitments made in Paris are fulfilled, the effects of global warming will inevitably worsen in the near term. As nations struggle to reduce emissions even further, alternative solutions using engineering innovations will increasingly gain currency.
a) This has reduced its CO 2 emission by one million tonne each year.
b) There are also precedents from nature.
c) The first category is directed towards removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
d) Unfortunately, some of them also carry the risk, if things go wrong, of causing unintended environmental disasters.
e) But the situation can change dramatically in the future.
Q.2) At the entrance of the show is sculptor Ram Sutar’s monumental bust of Mahatma Gandhi. _________________ The sculpture captures Gandhi’s lustrous moustache, his eyes his eloquent lips and his monarch like forehead. The work is the epitome of the spirit of freedom of India’s impassionate representative for satyagraha and ahimsa.
a) While he was a great portrait artist, it is the collective aura of unity that makes these drawings worthy of scrutiny.
b) He started a lithopress in Bombay and was noted for his brilliant career with an early success at various exhibitions at home and abroad.
c) Known for his monumental image of the seated Gandhi in front of the Parliament, this bust is a brilliant example of the power of a portrait.
d) Yet another Gandhi image is a small image of a walking minstrel by the Polish Fredda Brilliant.
e) This bust is an exercise in reverence, it personifies Tagore as Gurudev – the thinker, the poet, the radical and the story teller.
Q.3) _________________ .We have travelled seven decades since 1947 and to celebrate this journey and commemorate these 70 glorious years, “AZADI70” with the theme of ‘70 Saal Azadi-Zara Yaad Karo Kurbani’, events were held throughout the country. This is because, India’s Independence Day is a day of great significance for the people of India. On this day, it is fitting to remember the selfless efforts of our revolutionaries in attaining the freedom that we enjoy today.
a) Indians present on every continent are making significant contributions to the world scenario.
b) India, the largest democracy in the world, enters yet another year of freedom.
c) The concept of freedom needs to be properly taught to our young generation.
d) Empowerment of every Indian through education is the key to freedom today.
e) We need to give our children roots so that they can be deeply rooted in values and be productive and responsible human beings in the world.
Q.4) While farming practices, agro-climatic conditions and crop selection differ from State to State, a common problem faced by our farmers has been the volatility in prices for produce. A record price for a crop in a season attracts more farmers to cultivate it, causing a glut which drives down the prices. _______________. Indian agriculture that has overcome production crises is now facing a marketing crisis.
a) Governments cannot extend the minimum support price mechanism to cover all the crops.
b) The UPA government started the farm loan waiver culture by introducing the ‘mother of all waiver schemes’ in 2008 in order to retain political power.
c) India is a huge market and there is no reason why farm products have to be sold at distress prices.
d) Policymakers will have to look at marketing solutions that will fetch remunerative prices if not windfall profits to the growers of different crops.
e) What should be the last resort has now become the default response of governments which want to be seen as pro-farmer.
Q.5) __________________. First, there is what we call the “tool- house”: a small residential unit that also generates income for its residents through rentals, workshops, businesses or stores. At a time when an increasing number  of  people  around  the  world work  from  home,  Indian  tool-houses, which  come  in  all  shapes  and  sizes, provide  excellent  architectural  reference points for the integration of living and working at neighbourhood levels.
a) Urban India is also home to the most diverse housing types, serving all kinds of needs at the lowest possible cost.
b) Besides, Indian cities have also historically relied on two other typologies that are trending globally: the cooperative society and the chawl.
c) Communities are complex social arrangements with historically oppressive and divisive dimensions.
d) It may be worth the while of urban planners and policy-makers to  recognise not only what  is dysfunctional  in Indian cities, but also what allows them to cope and thrive.
e) Indian cities are incredibly entrepreneurial by any standard.

D.6-10): In each of the following questions a short passage followed by five sentences is given. One of the sentences relevant to the passage is marked by a blank space. Select the best out of the five answer choices given Viz.(a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) to make the passage complete and coherent (coherent means logically complete and sound).
Q.6) Since many accidents take place along highways, access to the nearest medical facility is not always easy. ___________________. A year ago, the Union Health Ministry directed hospitals that they should not detain those who bring accident victims for admission. They should not be required to pay for admission or registration, or asked intrusive questions beyond basic particulars such as names and addresses.
a) A good deal of sensitisation is needed, and it may help if State governments drew up their own set of rules so that they become committed stakeholders in the cause.
b) A factor that discourages bystanders from coming forward to take victims to a hospital is the fear that they would be made to pay admission costs in a hospital or detained there for long hours.
c) So far, only a few State governments have adopted the Good Samaritan guidelines.
d) All States must get actively involved in their implementation.
e) Though such guidelines and simplified procedures are welcome, much more needs to be done to encourage people to get involved in the rescue of accident victims.
Q.7) We Indians are prone to puff up our chests about belonging to a subcontinent where the likes of the Buddha and Gandhi were born. Ironically, instead of imbibing their compassion, we continue to perpetrate cruelty on animals. The massacre of dogs in Tamil Nadu and the slaughter of nilgai in Bihar are only the most recent instances. _____________________.
a) One wonders whether he knew that the original one, expansively renovated by the time of Tilokrat, was supposed to have been built by Ashoka several hundred years ago.
b) For an archaeologist, there are relics with an Ashokan aura.
c) Chamlong Srimuang, a former army general and a key leader of that protest, was a follower of this sect.
d) While Camadevi may be separated from us by geography and chronology, this virtue of the queen of Haripunjaya is one from which India can learn a thing or two.
e) The sculpted dharmachakras of the first millennium CE resonate with such connections, especially since some of them are said to have crowned pillars.
Q.8) In another part of the exhibition are glass paintings culled from Jaya Appasamy’s collection. Kaushik says the last time Rasaja exhibited them on such a large scale in Delhi was in 1981. ____________________. It’s interesting to note that they bear a similarity to the miniature tradition only when it comes to size.
a) While the facial features are child-like, patterns and borders are simpler and uncomplicated.
b) On being commissioned, artists produced works of British men and women in Indian settings for them to take back home.
c) Kaushik says the works on display are just a fraction of the collection.
d) In one work, while the woman’s European identity is established by her attire — gown, hat and pearls, her Kathak pose establishes the Indian setting.
e) These works are laden with the imagery of gods and goddesses, soldiers, saints, European men and women and noblemen.
Q.9) While there are many contentious issues involved in the RCEP, countries at least know what they are negotiating about and their likely implications. However, it is not the case with e-commerce issues. __________________. Few understand the real nature of the digital issues involved and the relevant policy requirements of the present and the future.
a) In these circumstances, a blank cheque could possibly be made out to global digital corporations and the countries backing them.
b) In fact, e-commerce is a misnomer here. What is under discussion is placing great limitations on digital policymaking by any country in the name of promoting e-commerce.
c) Let’s consider the issue of the free global flow of data — something wrongly presented as being the same as the free flow of information.
d) But it may be too early to understand the real nature of these emergent digitalised services — which will eventually be their mainstream form.
e) There is no one thing called “data” that countries could agree to let flow freely across borders.
Q.10) BHEL has registered more than 20 per cent CAGR over the last five years both in turnover and profits. Shareholders’ wealth has multiplied many times in the past. Current stock market is an aberration as business confidence is at an all-time low. _______________________.
a) Development of adv ultra super-critical technology is one area where we are actively working.
b) Also, several ‘Mission’ projects and ‘Technology’ plans have been drawn to maintain our technology momentum.
c) Key factors which resulted in our performance were capacity and capability building initiatives which happened during 2007-12.
d) In addition, there would be an increased emphasis on technology and R&D so as to meet emerging business requirements.
e) I am confident of successfully confronting current business challenges to sustain the long-term growth of the company.

D.11-15): In each of the following questions a short passage followed by five sentences is given. One of the sentences relevant to the passage is marked by a blank space. Select the best out of the five answer choices given Viz.(a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) to make the passage complete and coherent (coherent means logically complete and sound).
Q.11) ______________________. In April- June, just before the onset of India’s intensive southwest monsoon, millions of these butterflies migrate from the wet Western Ghats to the relatively drier eastern plains and hills, across distances of 350-500 km. After migration, they ‘swarm’ in large numbers: hanging around each other and roosting on plants. They then mate, lay eggs and die.
a) The Indian monsoon, which prompts these species to migrate to drier areas, shapes the physiology of the female butterflies more than they do to males, reveals a study.
b) While non-migratory butterflies do not have to worry about timing, how do these Milkweed butterflies invest in body tissues.
c) A hiker wouldn’t carry an unnecessarily heavy burden during her trek, and neither would a butterfly.
d) Male butterflies across species whether migratory or not did not differ in their physiological investments.
e) India’s Milkweed butterflies undertake a fascinating yearly migration.
Q.12) India’s stance towards IPR has been a major snag in attracting foreign investors. ____________________. A world-class drug regulatory framework implemented by strong drug regulatory authorities is imperative to reap the benefits of innovations. We need policies which appropriately value new biomedical innovations and incentivise continued investment in research and development.
a) While India’s score has improved marginally, evidently a lot has to be done to bring about consequential changes in the overall IP framework.
b) This essentially means having robust IPR and patent policies.
c) To bolster investor confidence in the Indian market we need an IPR framework which offers predictability, clarity and transparency.
d) However, despite announcing a new IPR policy in 2016, India remains near the bottom of the 2017 International Intellectual Property Index.
e) Incapacities in drug clearance policies, whether making them too easy or too stringent, eventually defeat the long-term purpose of innovations.
Q.13) Knowledge — we live in a knowledge economy. Countries with knowledgeable citizens will be the most powerful countries in the future. ________________. The ability of a nation to innovate and provide cutting-edge technological breakthroughs makes them powerful. Knowledge will bring empowerment in the society, thereby leading to entrepreneurial growth and job creation.
a) Students who continuously learn and have an entrepreneurial approach towards their goals will emerge winners.
b) Ensure you develop an entrepreneurial spirit in any activity you involve yourself in.
c) Financial wealth or defence arsenal does not determine the strength of the nation.
d) The skills of the future will be different from the skills of today.
e) We live in an age and times when multiple factors are amplifying technological disruptions.
Q.14) Democratic societies progress in an evolutionary manner by character. _________________. India is certainly one among them, and PM Modi is one such leader. Modi revels in his image of being a disrupter; the emphasis is always on the new, the change, than on continuity.
a) Leaders from Nehru to Modi sought to “restore India to its eminence,” she notes.
b) Now, the preference for individuals over institutions is a typical Indian trait, a former policy maker tells the author.
c) The exceptionalism that Modi aspires for India may come out to be of a different nature if one were to go down analysing that, but that is beyond the scope of this attempt.
d) Those who are impatient for change, and those who fear change may both benefit from Pande’s perspective.
e) However, leaders promising revolutionary changes are increasingly winning popular approval in many democratic countries in the recent past.
Q.15) In 2006, the Supreme Court instructed every State and Union Territory to declare Eco-Sensitive Zones (ESZs) around their protected forest areas, which can range up to 10 km from the core. ________________. The draft proposal for an ESZ around Hazaribagh Sanctuary was published on August 18, 2015, by the Environment Ministry. If cleared, the Tiger Fall mine, along with hundreds of other stone quarries, will come under the immediate sensitive zone of the sanctuary and will risk closure.
a) The purpose of ESZs is to have a buffer where, among other things, industrial activities will be either prohibited or regulated.
b) In the monsoon, in the presence of water, the industrial created the natural.
c) Sometimes I wonder if I should remove it from the list of waterfalls that I have found so far travelling in the hills and forests of Hazaribagh.
d) A report published in The Telegraph in October 2014 had put the number of such mines at more than 1,500, stressing on the fact that these mines also enjoyed the patronage “of at least one minister and a well-known politician”.
e) As of May 31, 2016, the State of Jharkhand has requested the Ministry that the proposals for Hazaribagh Wildlife Sanctuary ESZ and Palamau Tiger Reserve ESZ be deferred.

D.16-20): In each of the following questions a short passage followed by five sentences is given. One of the sentences relevant to the passage is marked by a blank space. Select the best out of the five answer choices given Viz.(a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) to make the passage complete and coherent (coherent means logically complete and sound).
Q.16) American-born Bao Bao was given a warm send off to China, her home country. She is only three and already a cynosure of all eyes. ___________________. She was timid and curious, but when given fresh bamboo for snack, she soon became comfortable. Bao Bao, is the 11th Giant panda to be born overseas and returned to China.
a) Exotic animals have long been used as symbols of power and diplomacy. If panda were to China, it is other animals to other countries.
b) Under an agreement between China and the U.S., such panda cubs must be returned to China before they are four years old, the earliest age at which they might begin breeding.
c) No one can say no to these cute ambassadors of China. From 1958 to 1982, China gave 23 pandas to nine different countries.
d) After a 16-hour flight, she settled at her new home and will be assisted by an English-speaking trainer as she does not follow Chinese.
e) Bao Bao was born at the National Zoo in Washington to panda parents on loan from China.
Q.17) The deceptive calm that fell over Jammu and Kashmir on the death anniversary of Burhan Wani has been torn to shreds by the terror attack on Amarnath pilgrims. The pilgrims may have taken a bus that wasn’t registered. ______________________. However, the fact remains that if the terrorists don’t stop firing if an innocent comes in their line of fire, they are killing that innocent with a motive.
a) Whether the Opposition blames the ruling party or the ruling party blames the terrorists, it is the common citizen of the country who is affected.
b) The cobbled-up ruling coalition in Kashmir is neither able to enforce any sort of governance nor in any way aware of the ground realities.
c) They may have travelled after permitted hours, along a path that wasn’t protected.
d) Inaction against the terrorists is not an option.
e) But the root of this tragedy is the situation in Kashmir.
Q.18) My mother, who was from Lucknow, was a second-generation art collector, as my grandfather was a patron of the Miniatures. She was more interested in Modern art and I inherited the collector’s gene. My father, a banker, supported my mother’s decisions to do up our home with antiques, collectibles and Modern art. _________________________.
a) I did that for 10 years, while visiting galleries like the MET and the Guggenheim while there.
b) I was to share the magic of Champagne in India.
c) And once I was looking at the luxury industry, the move to art and collectibles seemed almost natural.
d) Over the years, I have liked to match an old carpet and an oak desk with a very cutting-edge contemporary painting by Zakir Hussain or Jitish Kallat.
e) I would accompany them on various trips to acquire art or hunt down an antique, and came back with rich stories.
Q.19) The Indian Ocean has been warming at a rate faster than thought before (1.2 deg C during the past century). It is also the largest consistent contributor to the global ocean warming trends. ____________________. So basically, such large warming over the Indian Ocean has implications on the global climate.
a) During summer, this Pacific cell is linked to the monsoon westerlies in the Indian Ocean.
b) Recent studies show that a warm Indian Ocean can in turn modulate the Pacific conditions including the El Nino events.
c) This is because of the low pressure in the west and high pressure in the east, which drives these winds.
d) Walker Circulation represents the zonal (east-west) circulation over the tropics.
e) When the winds are weakened the opposite happens — the ocean warms.
Q.20) Science is grounded on the principle of reproducibility of results. The claims of advanced science and technology in the ancient world are based on some references in ancient scripts that may be wholly imaginary. ____________________. Such references should be taken for the myths they are, not as scientific facts.
a) For the first time, the science congress had a session on “Ancient Sciences through Sanskrit”.
b) The 102nd Indian Science Congress being held in Mumbai will be remembered for a very long time to come, but for all the wrong reasons.
c) Flying, for instance, has caught humankind’s imagination across cultures right from ancient times.
d) Scientists have been able to create animal chimeras that have cells/organs of different species, much as what Greek mythology describes.
e) Dozens of geosynchronous satellites launched each year do precisely what Sir Arthur had visualised there.

Please check the answers for the above questions from the list provided below. Also you can share the scores for the Quiz in the comments section below. 
1) e
2) c
3) b
4) a
5) a
6) b
7) d
8) e
9) b
10) c
11) e
12) c
13) c
14) e
15) a
16) d
17) c
18) e
19) b
20) c

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