Challenging Words- 28 Dec 2017 - PrepUp 247

For the Game Called ....Success

Thursday 28 December 2017

Challenging Words- 28 Dec 2017

Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu

1)Vitiate (verb)  (भ्रष्ट करना, दूषित करना): Viti-ate
Meaning - to make faulty or to reduce the value, quality, or effectiveness of something
Synonyms - spoil, impair, debauch, contaminate
Antonyms - Improve, Benefit, Cleanse
Example - Smoking vitiates the air .

2)Contestation (noun)  (मुक़ाबला): con-tus-ta-shun
Meaning - the action or process of disputing or arguing.
Synonyms - fight, confrontation, conflict.
Antonyms -   acquiesce, accession ,agreement
Example - The issue of reservation in government exams is certainly open to contestation among reasonable people.

3)Ensue (verb) (पीछा करना, खोज करना ) - en-su
Meaning - to occur as a part of something or after something
Synonyms - result, follow, develop/arise.
Antonyms - precede ,antecede , disappear
Example - Dehydration will ensue when the body is unable to obtain enough water to maintain its biological functions.

4)Demarcate (noun)  (हदबंदी करना) - de-mar-kay-shun
Meaning -to mark the limits or boundaries of something
Synonyms - delimit, define, restrict
Antonyms - connect, join, align, amalgamate
Example - Because the room was so small, it was necessary to demarcate the space so that both roommates had individual areas.

5)Transgression (noun)  (उल्लंघन ) - trans-gres-un
Meaning - the violation of a duty, law, or moral principle
Synonyms-  infringement, breach, violation/defiance.
Antonyms - obedience, perfection
Example - When the banker stole funds from the vault, he made a huge transgression.

6)Poise  (संतुलन) - pyoi-ze
Meaning - having self-confidence and self-assurance (Verb), graceful and elegant bearing in a person (Noun)
Synonyms- be ready, prepare, position/brace oneself.
Antonyms -  confused , instability
Example - Despite the chaos around her, the flight attendant remained poised and calm as she directed the passengers through the emergency exits.

7)Remit (noun)  (किसी व्यक्ति या संगठन को आधिकारिक तौर पर सौंपी गई गतिविधि का कार्य या क्षेत्र) -   re-mit
Meaning -  the task or area of activity officially assigned to an individual or organization.
Synonyms -  area of responsibility, area of activity, task/scope.
Example -The committee can not make comments on issues that did not fall within itsremit

8)Foray (noun) (धावा) - fo-ray
Meaning -  a brief attempt to get involved in a new activity/sphere , an initial attempt at something
Synonyms -  attack, incursion.
Antonyms - laziness, idleness , abstention
Example -  Before their foray into enemy territory, a scouting party was sent to observe the guard stations.

9)On the line (phrase) (खतरे में) - on-the-line
Meaning - at serious risk.
Synonyms- at risk, in danger, endangered.
Antonyms - safety, preservation, guard
Example - We should respect our army jawans whose lives are on the line.

10)Suspicion (noun) (संदेह,संशय) - sus-pis-ion
Meaning - a feeling that something that may be true or possible
Synonyms - feeling, belief, impression/speculation.
Antonyms - certainty, faith, belief
Example - Mary had a suspicion that it was going to rain because there were so many dark clouds in the sky.

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